Sunday, March 29, 2009

Welcome Home Vietnam Vets Picnic in NoHo Park

Congratulations to community leader David Hernandez who put on a great picnic in NoHo Park to honor our Vietnam Veterans, marking the first annual LA County Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day on March 30.  The picnic was an opportunity for vets, family, friends and supporters to get together and have a great time.  Monday, March 30th David Hernandez will lead a rally in support of the veterans on the steps of City Hall with the hope next year of a parade.

Vets sign-in along with my sign I made for my cousins who served.
Official poster, thanks to the Candy Man Frank Sheftel for sponsoring!
Some of the vets chatting
 David Hernandez being interviewed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michael, That was great to see the sign honoring John & I. I was so moved by all the family members who greated me with signs to welcome me back at LAX 40 years ago. You were quite young, but was a great welcome home. Larry Raber