Friday, February 12, 2010

NoHo on Wheels


 he waiting for some bicycle lanes in NoHo?

(SEE Daily News Tony Castro article
that explains all about this Van of Bikes.)


Monday, February 1, 2010

HOWS we doin'...

• HOWS NoHo which opened,

in DownTown NoHo in 2007, has closed operations.
The 24 hour market had a wine tasting room that was popular,
but obviously not enough,
the Hows' -Hughes Family Grocers- leaving our town.

Do not fret though, you can go out to Granada Hills
or as seen in my pics as I drove from Rosemead Walmart
with a TV in the back of my truck for my son's birthday (40th),
a Hows in Pasadena.

oh, there are some doin's @Hows NoHo
(closed) in February,
just ask any HouseWife...
